The Word We Do Not Say ...
I was just listening to Bach's
Cantata "Singet dem Herrn, ein neues Lied!" (Sing a new song unto the
Lord - BWV 190). It's filled with the joyous singing of the word
"Hallelujah." In the Catholic and Episcopal traditions, this bit of
vocabulary is given a liturgical rest during Lent as a way of marking
the somber nature of the season. We generally avoid Hallelujah in our
church, too, at this time for the same reason. This doesn't meant that
all signs of joy our mirth ought to be exiled from our lives at this
moment. But Lent is serious business and it deserves our attention. If
we're to truly experience the joy of Easter, we will need to be fully
present during Holy Week. And for that we need to prepare ourselves.
So let us lay off the Hallelujahs for now. With the Resurrection we'll
have time to say and sing them aplenty.
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