
Occasionally, I'll write these reflections at the end of the day.  Sometimes it's by choice, a desire to engage in a form of compline, the order of prayer for the evening.  Others times, like today, it's simply because the day's been full and I haven't had a chance to sit down, think, and write.  Either way, it is dark.

What does the dark make you think of? Sitting around a campfire? Or fears and anxieties lurking in corners?  Star dappled skies?  Or things that go bump in the night?  Lent is a good time for us to look at the darkness, both within us and beyond, to think about it, to pray on it, to consider how it fits into God's creation and what role it may play in our lives.

It's dark now.  It's hard to see.  But look carefully - there's so much out there!


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