Are We Ready?

We had about a foot of snow here in the Upper Valley.  Everything looks lovely, the landscape is covered in white and all is ready for Christmas.

Uh, no.

I'm not ready for Christmas.  Oh, I've got the gifts and I think I'll jump on the cards at the end of the week (or not).  But spiritually, I'm still in Advent, still wrapping my mind around what it all means and what I will do in response.  Fortunately, I don't need to have it all figured out by the 24th.  Advent is a season, but it's also a discipline.  Looking for signs of God in our world isn't something we do just in the days before the Feast of the Nativity.  We should do this all year round, for as Scripture tells us, we know not the hour when the Lord will come.

Enjoy the snow; relax with some cocoa, coffee, or tea; and remember to prepare for the Christ child.  He's coming.


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