So, when exactly, does the last day of Advent end
and Christmas Eve begin? At our church, one could argue 5:00 pm, when
the Children's Pageant service begins. But maybe it will be at 10:00
am, when I begin streaming the Lessons and Carols Service from King's
Chapel in Cambridge, England. Marking out a hard and fast delineation
isn't as easy at it seems; one just seems to morph into the other. That
seems especially appropriate on this day when the Kingdom of God
manifests itself in our lived reality in the person of an infant. One
realm doesn't displace the other. Instead, the holy permeates the
mundane, subtly yet powerfully recasting everything. The border between
Advent and Christmas is porous, one leading seamlessly into the other.
So, perhaps we shouldn't ask when Christmas Eve begins but how it will
unfold, what it will change, and how we will respond.
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