Sabbath III

Day of rest?  Are you kidding?  With worship, caroling, plays, tree trimming, house cleaning, and who-knows-what-elsing that needs to be done? Rest?  When?  Maybe after Christmas?

Perhaps.  But maybe that's okay, for one can observe sabbath without resting - here's how: recall that on the seventh day, when God rested from his creative labors, he blessed and hallowed his work.  We, too, in all our busyness and toing and froing can seek to make holy our various endeavors.  We can take a moment to pray, to give thanks, to reflect.  And in doing this, we will not only recognize in the seemingly mundane the wondrously holy, we will re-examine our priorities and find time to rest.

Because the odds are that the who-knows-what-elsing that needs to be done can be done tomorrow.


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