The Geometry of Advent

Astute readers of these reflections noticed a typo in yesterday's offering - I referred to manifestations of angles, rather than angels.  But that got me to thinking of the geometry of Advent.  You may remember that there are different kinds of angles.  Some are obtuse, others acute.  We tend to think of ourselves as being the latter - perceptive, discerning, wise.  But Advent encourages humility.  As we watch and wait, we would do well to think of ourselves as being a bit obtuse, at least spiritually.  By doing so, we acknowledge that we need to be that much more determined, that much more focused, if we are to be receptive to the Spirit of the Lord, which bids us to make ready for the Christ child this season.  So take a moment, do the math, and pray.  With God on our side, everything will add up in the end.


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